What’s Happening

To fit like a glove…

Last Christmas my friend knitted me some gloves. I had to give her my hand measurements, including the length of my fingers and thumbs; these gloves truly were made to measure and gave a whole new meaning to the expression 'to fit like a glove' to me. C. S. Lewis...

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Tonight we looked at the subject of teamwork. God loves us all and wants us to love one another. Often, this will mean helping each other as we realise we can't do everything on our own. God has put us in the church so that we can work together to let others know...

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According To God’s Unfailing Love and Great Compassion

This morning, we looked at Psalm 51, David’s psalm of repentance after he was confronted (through the prophet Nathan) about his conduct (adultery with Bathsheba and his plotting to kill her husband, Uriah the Hittite, in a futile attempt to conceal his sinful...

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Talking Point

Talking Point: Immigration (1)

Garry's 'Talking Point' topic tonight was on the contentious and highly topical issue of immigration, one of the major debating points during the recent EU referendum. Many people in the UK are afraid of the rise in numbers of immigrants and refugees entering the...

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Talking Point: Safeguarding Against Pornography

It's important for us to understand that sex in itself is not sinful, but is in fact a gift of God. In its proper context, between a married man and woman, sex is something beautiful, a picture of the close relationship God longs to have with His people. But the Bible...

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Talking Point: The Problem of Pornography

Pornography (printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate sexual excitement) is a growing problem these days, exacerbated by the easy availability of porn videos via the Internet. Josh...

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How We Got Here

Worship, prayer and the Word

The essentials of Christian meetings have often been summarised as worship, prayer and the Word. In Acts 2 we read that "they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." In our church, we remember the...

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Getting ready for the evening celebration

After the Open Day and tea, the rooms had to be tidied somewhat and chairs put back out in the main hall so that we could hold the evening celebration there.Here we are, practising for the meeting:People arriving:Chatting before the meeting started:Are these two...

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Beryl and Paula worked hard to decorate the church with flowers and did a great job:

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