Our Beliefs
The doctrinal basis of the Church shall be founded on Scripture and shall include belief in:
One God, the Sovereign Creator of the Universe, who has revealed Himself in three co-equal and co-external persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The complete humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless, atoning and substitutionary death for all men as the only means of salvation,
His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the Father, and His personal return.
Repentance for sin and the acceptance by faith of Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, and the consequent obligation upon all believers to present this gospel of the mercy of God to all men.
The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in the New Birth and indwelling and baptising the believer, and the validity and exercise of His gifts today.
The Bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God, the final authority in all matters of faith, conduct, and church order.
The guilt and depravity of man by consequence of the Fall, rendering him subject to the wrath and condemnation of God, who is holy and just.
The resurrection of all men to final judgement before Jesus Christ.
The baptism by immersion of all believers and the regular observance by believers of the Lord’s Supper.