Last Christmas my friend knitted me some gloves. I had to give her my hand measurements, including the length of my fingers and thumbs; these gloves truly were made to measure and gave a whole new meaning to the expression ‘to fit like a glove‘ to me.

C. S. Lewis wrote that ‘every fold and crease of your individuality was devised from all eternity to fit God as a glove fits a hand.’ That is a thought so mind-boggling I can barely comprehend it. My individuality is unique. There is no one quite like me (for which people are probably very grateful!) To think that ‘every fold and crease’ is not only known to God but ‘devised’ by Him for His purpose is something I can barely grasp.
To find people who know us, accept us and love us is a wonderful (and rare) thing. When we do, when we feel connected to another person (linked, perhaps, by a shared love of something or a common goal), there is a sense of satisfaction and completeness. To know that we can have that kind of connection to God Himself is very precious.
My handmade gloves fill me with a warmth that is not simply connected to the cosy, sparkly yarn from which they are made. They remind me visibly that my friend cared enough about me to make them for me (and cared so much as to make me two pairs and a pair of fingerless gloves out of the same yarn, actually!) They remind me that in her eyes I was worth making something beautiful tailored for me.
God is our Maker and Creator. Every fold and crease of our individuality was made by Him to fit Him – our worth is deterrmined by the value He places on us, and that value was so great He sent His Son to die for us. That’s something which should warm our hearts, and not just our hands!