
In a world of wars and personal animosity, on the second Sunday in Advent, we focus on the theme of peace, recognising that peace with God is the pathway to personal peace. ‘Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,’ Paul tells us. (Rom 5:1) Jesus’ arrival at Bethlehem heralded the start of this reconciliation with God, hence He is known as the ‘Prince of peace.’ (Is 9:6)

Jesus teaches us how to forgive others and live at peace with them, as He forgave those who betrayed Him and put Him to death. Forgiveness is probably the biggest single step to peace. We have to learn to let go of our hurts, prejudices and grievances and to forgive others as we have been forgiven. (Eph 4:32) Only then can we move towards peace.

Everything In Moderation

Christmas is a time of indulgence, and often we eat, drink and spend money in excess. There is nothing wrong with treats and festivity, but as we consider daily disciplines, we do need to reflect on living wisely, which at times means saying ‘no’ to that umpteenth chocolate or glass of wine.

Far more important than food and drink, however, is the need for daily discipline in our attitudes to sin and God. Often, we shrug our shoulders at wrongdoing. It’s a ‘little white lie.’ It’s ‘no big deal.’ We lose our tempers over nothing and don’t feel any regret at the hurt we cause. We rationalise our behaviour and make excuses for ourselves while ranting over the insensitivity and rudeness of others.

God wants us to live righteous, holy lives 365 days a year. In Titus 2:11-13, we read, For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13 while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.’ This is how we need to live all year round.


The Habit of Prayer

We have already looked at how the Lord’s Prayer encourages us to ask God for our daily bread. This framework for prayer starts with the words ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name’ (Matt 6:9) and reminds us that daily prayer is the best way to start any day!

Prayer starts with a recognition of God’s presence in the world and in our lives. The Lord’s Prayer urges us to begin prayer by recognising who God is and who we are in relation to Him. He is our Father in heaven. We are His children. This reminds us of our need for dependence and of God’s glory. We move on to ask for God’s name to be hallowed (to be made holy.) God is already holy, but in this prayer, we recognise this fact and pause in our busyness to consider holiness and an alternative way of living.

Whether we pray the Lord’s Prayer every day or not, there needs to be time set aside for prayer every day. As the saying goes, ‘seven days without prayer makes one weak.’ Let daily prayer become as much a part of your everyday routine as brushing your teeth and eating!

Daily Acts of Kindness

Daily acts of kindness help us to keep our focus on God and away from the selfish tendency to hoard and think only about our own needs. Yesterday, we talked about a ‘giveaway Advent calendar’ to help our local Salvation Army food bank and to encourage generosity, but generosity is not always shown in material ways. We can help others through daily acts of kindness: speaking positively, paying compliments, thanking others, showing love in acts of service (doing shopping for someone, maybe, or helping with a repair.) In these acts of kindness, we show that we value people, appreciate them, and are thinking about them.

We might thank a shop attendant instead of haranguing them; we might stop to help someone in the street; we might offer to make a drink at home instead of expecting to be waited on hand and foot! These daily acts of kindness never seem particularly noteworthy, but are, in fact, visible demonstrations of love and appreciation. They really do make a difference!

The Gift Of Giving

Today is St Nicholas’ Day. St Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, pawnbrokers, repenting thieves and children. He is also the patron saint of Russia and Greece, and such cities as Liverpool, Aberdeen and Galway, and is also popularly known as Santa Claus.

St Nicholas was born in Greece in 270 A.D. and was orphaned at an early age, being left with considerable wealth. He became known for his kindness, helping the poor, sick and suffering with aid and gifts. He devoted himself to a life serving God and became the bishop of Myra. He reminds us that the Christian life should involve serving others and helping those in need.

One ‘alternative’ Advent calendar is to put aside an item to help others each day during Advent. It might be a tin of beans or a packet of rice. By doing this each day of Advent, you end up with either 21 or 24 items (depending whether you start on 1 December or 3 December!) to give to a food bank, for example, to help people in need. Maybe on St Nicholas’ Day we can focus on giving, rather than receiving!


The Christmas story is all about God interrupting people. He sent angels to interrupt and disrupt ordinary lives: first of all, Zechariah in the temple (taking so long to perform his duties as a result that people wondered what was going on!), then Mary (given the life-changing news that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would become pregnant), then Joseph (assuring him that this crazy story was actually true), then the shepherds (disrupted from their job of looking after sheep by the angels’ appearance.) Interruptions were the way God chose to bring good news to the world.

Many of us can’t stand the thought of interruptions. Our lives are so finely tuned that even a minute’s delay can cause the carefully constructed tower of activities to come tumbling down! But interruptions are an inevitable part of life, and if this is the way God chooses to speak to us and direct us, we need to be prepared to be interrupted.

The unexpected phone call, the knock on the door from a friend you haven’t seen in ages, the chance meeting in the street which delays your shopping… these might be all ways that God interrupts you today. Don’t let interruptions get you down. They might be divine ways of communicating with you!