We have already looked at how the Lord’s Prayer encourages us to ask God for our daily bread. This framework for prayer starts with the words ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name’ (Matt 6:9) and reminds us that daily prayer is the best way to start any day!
Prayer starts with a recognition of God’s presence in the world and in our lives. The Lord’s Prayer urges us to begin prayer by recognising who God is and who we are in relation to Him. He is our Father in heaven. We are His children. This reminds us of our need for dependence and of God’s glory. We move on to ask for God’s name to be hallowed (to be made holy.) God is already holy, but in this prayer, we recognise this fact and pause in our busyness to consider holiness and an alternative way of living.
Whether we pray the Lord’s Prayer every day or not, there needs to be time set aside for prayer every day. As the saying goes, ‘seven days without prayer makes one weak.’ Let daily prayer become as much a part of your everyday routine as brushing your teeth and eating!