In the film ‘A Cure For Wellness’, one of the characters makes the observation, ‘a man cannot unsee the truth. He cannot willingly return to darkness, or go blind once he has the gift of sight, any more than he can be unborn.’

It is true that truth is itself revelational, opening our eyes, giving us understanding and insight. Once we know the truth, we can be set free. (John 8:32) Truth acts as a doorway to light. Once we enter that doorway, ignorance is banished. We cannot ‘unsee the truth‘, even if we then choose to ignore it. We can’t pretend we are not changed by this knowledge. Truth becomes a solid foundation on which to build.

Ps 119:130 says ‘the unfolding of Your words gives light.’ When we understand what God is saying, when His word is broken open to us, when we suddenly ‘see’ what it means, we are led to a place of revelation, where truth is unveiled for us. After that, we can never be the same. The truth doesn’t change, but it changes us.

Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). As we follow Jesus, the truth that He embodied is opened to us. Each day we have the privilege of HIs words being opened to us so that as this is unfolded, light comes. More light. More revelation. This is how we are transformed through the renewing of our minds. (Rom 12:1-2)

Truth is a cure for blindness, for ignorance, for all the ills of the world. It is not a painless cure (thought it is definitely preferable to the cure in the bizarre gothic film I referenced earlier!) But it is the way to the wide-open spacious places of God’s kingdom if we will walk its narrow paths.