‘United we stand, divided we fall.’
This slogan has much truth in it. Unity is highly prized in the Bible (see Ps 133, Eph 4:3) and should be the aim of all Christians. Jesus prayed for unity among His followers based on the very unity that exists in the Godhead. (John 17:20-23)
Unity implies wholeness and togetherness, but is not the same as uniformity. The diversity within the church is God-given and to be embraced in the same way that a body is made up of many different functioning parts but is still one body (see Rom 12:4-8, 1 Cor 12:12-26). ‘Churches Together’ accepts this diversity in form (how we choose to worship, sometimes with liturgy and choral music, sometimes with spontaneous prayers and modern songs, for example) but strives to work together on core truths, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
The church is meant to be the place where unity and diversity fit together like pieces of a jigsaw, where all are accepted and valued, but a common, higher purpose is served.
Unity within an individual is also necessary. This is often called integrity, wholeness or congruence, when how we live is not compartmentalised. We are called to wholeness and not to fragmentation, to lives that are undivided. David prayed, ‘Give me an undivided heart’ (Ps 86:11), a prayer which is the first step to unity in every area of our lives.