The Power of Story

Tonight in our Little Big Church, we looked at the story of “The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe” by C. S. Lewis. All year, we have focussed on stories, looking at the parables of Jesus, and so it seemed fitting to ponder another story tonight! In...

Trusting in God

Garry spoke this morning from Ps 37:3-4, focussing on the primary need for Christians to trust God. To trust means to have confidence and security in God, to be ‘care-less’ because He cares for us. If we trust a driver, we will not try to be a backseat...

Advent Themes

Advent is a time of hope, preparation and anticipation. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and remind ourselves that He is coming again at the end of time to judge the living and the dead, this period of anticipation focuses our thoughts on four key...

GIve Us Today Our Daily Bread

As we journey throughout December towards the celebration of our Lord’s birth, the reason for the season, we are looking at the benefits of daily discipline as represented by Advent calendars. Today’s thought for the day focuses on one line of the Lord’s prayer: ‘give...

24 Days of Discipline

Psychologists tell us that it takes twenty-one days to form a new habit. If we are trying to change something in our lives, it will take time, effort, and patience. Today is 1st December, the day when Advent calendars in all their wonderful guises make their...

Coming In December…

December is always a busy month in church life. Here’s a rundown on what is happening here. Saturday 2 December Our monthly coffee morning and prayer walk will be on Saturday 2 December between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. Sunday services We will have morning services...