Real Life Problems

Fairy tales have their share of peril (big bad wolves, wicked stepmothers, plotting witches, perilous spinning wheels and so on), but they tend to end with the words ‘and they all lived happily ever after.’ As Aaron Shust reminds us, though, ‘There’s no such...

Waiting on God

Dave spoke tonight on Isaiah 40:31, a favourite verse of many people containing the promise of renewed strength, no matter what our age. To wait on God is illustrated in the book of Esther, when Esther, faced with the threat of the extinction of the Jews and urged to...

Miraculous Deliverance

Having looked at Peter’s miraculous deliverance from prison last week (Acts 12:1-19), this morning we looked at how Paul and Silas were delivered from prison in Philipp in Acts 16:16-40 by means of an earthquake which caused the prison foundations to tremble and...

Live Carefree Before God

We live in a country where anxiety is one of the chief problems facing many people, causing real misery to families and spiralling costs in terms of days off work, medical costs and social disruption. Anxiety is that gnawing worry, not necessarily linked to specific...

Narnian Thanks

The Narnia Experience has been nearly a year in the making, with the original idea coming from an apparently throwaway comment from a friend of mine, Pat Moore, who said, ‘I have an idea about a Narnia event for Christmas…’ Pat has been heavily...

The Narnia Experience

We had a wonderful ‘Churches Together’ event at GPCC yesterday. ‘The Narnia Experience’ looked at C. S. Lewis’s ‘Chronicles of Narnia’, especially ‘The Lion, The Witch And the Wardrobe.’ All year, we have been...