
Garry concluded his series on Joseph this morning, looking at Genesis 50:22-26. The story of Joseph starts with a dream, a promise. At times, Joseph was unable to do anything at all to fulfil this dream; he was (more often than not!) powerless. The one thing which...


One thing I love about German is its ability to create new compound words out of separate words. The best known in English is probably ‘Schadenfreude’ which has no English equivalent (it means taking pleasure in someone else’s misfortune, which is...

Interesting Facts About Bees

We learnt some interesting facts about bees tonight, including the fact that bees fly 55,000 miles to make 1lb of honey! Honey, known as the ‘food of the gods’ and highly beneficial in many ways, is made from nectar (produced by flowers and harvested by...

Bees & The Kingdom of God

Tonight, we looked at the fascinating subject of bees in our Little Big Church service and discovered that bees have a lot to teach us about the kingdom of God. There are different kinds of bees (queen bee, worker bees, drone bees) and each bee has a different role to...

The Burning Bush

On this Bonfire Night in the UK, Dave spoke this morning from Exodus 3:1-6 on the burning bush – the means that God chose to call Moses to set His people free. Moses, at this stage of his life, had possibly forgotten his calling to lead God’s people; he...

Blu-tak thoughts?

I spend a good deal of time sticking posters up with Blu-tak. I don’t know the history of this amazing product, but I do benefit from it! My husband, an engineer with infinitely more patience than I have, rolls a small ball of Blu-tak between forefinger and...