As we journey throughout December towards the celebration of our Lord’s birth, the reason for the season, we are looking at the benefits of daily discipline as represented by Advent calendars. Today’s thought for the day focuses on one line of the Lord’s prayer: ‘give us today our daily bread.’ (Matt 6:11)
The request for God’s provision comes in the framework of daily prayer. This reminds us that we need God every day, not just on special occasions or times of crisis. God is part of our everyday, ordinary, daily lives.
In the wilderness, God provided manna (food to live on) on a daily basis, the only exception being the Sabbath day of rest. The day before the Sabbath, He provided enough manna for two days so that the people could honour the Sabbath and still survive. This reminds us that God is a God of provision and that He enables us to follow His laws and still flourish!
We often like to plan ahead and prepare for all eventualities, but the Lord’s Prayer reminds us of the need for daily trust in God. There is only so much planning and preparing we can do. We will always need to trust God anyway!