Redefining The Grave

On this first Sunday after Easter, Dave spoke from Matt 28:1-10, explaining how the resurrection of Jesus redefines the grave for us. In this passage describing Easter Sunday, we see how the disciples were bewildered and confused after the crucifixion; they had known...

The Unfolding of Your Words

In the film ‘A Cure For Wellness’, one of the characters makes the observation, ‘a man cannot unsee the truth. He cannot willingly return to darkness, or go blind once he has the gift of sight, any more than he can be unborn.’ It is true that...

Your Purpose

Stephen spoke tonight on the vision and challenge of God. The Bible is divided into two testaments, but it speaks really of three times: the beginning (before Christ), the times of Jesus and the end times after His death and resurrection. We are living in those end...

Same Old, Same Old

The idiom ‘same old, same old’ is used to refer to a situation or someone’s behaviour that remains the same, especially when it is boring or annoying. Life seems to consist of familiar problems which recur over a period of years without any real...

The Reality of Christmas

Dave spoke tonight from Luke 2:1-20 about the reality of Christmas. If we were to decipher the message of Christmas from our Christmas cards, we might get very mixed messages, believing Christmas to be a winter festival (after all, lots of cards feature snow, holly,...

Angels – Messengers of Hope

Today in our ‘Dearne Churches Together’ prayer meeting, we looked at the messages of hope which the angels brought to people as they announced the good news of Jesus’s birth. These messages still resonate with us today. Do Not Be Afraid Angels are...