Dave spoke this morning from Luke 5:1-11, when Jesus called his first disciples. He chose these from among a small group of fishermen and others. The fishermen were more than happy for Jesus to preach from their boat, but then he proceeded to tell them how to fish! Peter pointed out the futility of Jesus’s suggestion (“Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything.” Luke 5:5), but was still prepared to listen to him (‘because you say so.’‘)
His reward was an amazing catch of fish (far greater than any he had caught before). We can understand how unworthy he felt after this. He had toiled all night for nothing and did not want further disappointment, but by risking it all again, he reaped an amazing haul of fish.
Will we listen despite the failure of our previous hard work? Will we do things because Jesus asks us to? His wisdom and knowledge are grater than ours. He wants our acceptance to do as he asks, and then his effective grace can do far more than we can achieve on our own.