On this first Sunday after Easter, Dave spoke from Matt 28:1-10, explaining how the resurrection of Jesus redefines the grave for us. In this passage describing Easter Sunday, we see how the disciples were bewildered and confused after the crucifixion; they had known great despair and helplessness over the past week, and there must have been a great sense of loss. Yet the momentous fact was when the women arrived at the Tomb, they did not find Jesus’ body there. They had been debating who would move the stone for them only to find an angel had done this – not so much to let Jesus out of the Tomb, but to let people in!

Death has always been an unknown for us, something frightening and mystifying partly because we do not know what lies beyond. The angel invited the women to look inside the tomb, however, reminding them that Jesus is not there. We see that death no longer has the final word; there is no longer any reason to fear, for we have a Saviour who has overcome death.

The women did not just see an empty tomb, however. They were given God’s word from the angel that Jesus was risen; they then had the experience of seeing Jesus for themseslves. The tomb became a trumpet, proclaiming the victory of life over death. The women’s reaction was to run to tell the disciples this news (Matt 28:8); joy became their legacy. We can share in this same legacy, experiencing joy no matter what our situations. We serve a risen Saviour: Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and is alive forevermore. No wonder we have an endless hope.