Advent activities

We are preparing a range of Advent activities to help us ‘let every heart prepare Him room’, in the words of the carol ‘O Little Town of Bethlehem’. Many of these will be online, but some will be in person. Dearne Churches Together will be...

Enriched by God

Garry continued his ‘Being & Doing’ series, reminding us that our value in God does not come from what we do but is because of His great love for us. In 1 Cor 1:4-8, we read that we ‘have been enriched in every way’ and so often, we can...

An Anchor For The Soul

This morning we looked at Hebrews 6:13-20 and how God’s faithfulness gives us hope as an anchor for our souls in stormy times. Many of us feel storm-tossed at the moment and there is the temptation to believe God doesn’t really care about our situations (see Mark...

God Is With Us

One of the greatest blessings of Christmas is contained in the name given to Jesus (thus fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy) that ‘“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).’ (Matt 1:23) Jesus is God’s...

Tackling Toxic Thoughts

Guest speaker Yan Hadley spoke tonight on ‘tackling toxic thoughts.’ Our thoughts are vitally important in believing God can change every situation we face. Joshua and Caleb are examples of what positive confidence in God can achieve. We need our thoughts...