Coming soon…

On Sunday 12th June we’re at Cherry Tree Court for our morning service (10.30 a.m.) and at Market Street in the evening (6 p.m.) Yan Hadley is our guest speaker on Sunday evening. We’ll be having a cleaning and preparation day on Saturday 18th June after...

Trials and trampolines

It sometimes seems that we bounce from one crisis to another like children on a trampoline. The highs provide us with great joys, but the lows are devastating. It’s hard for us to remember in these days of instant communication, but over thirty years ago when I...

God can bring down any wall…

In the epilogue to the family service, Stacey spoke from Joshua 6 about how the power of God caused the walls of Jericho to fall down. All the people had to do was to obey God and march around the city for six days; on the seventh, trumpets were blown and the people...

Building a Windmill

The challenge in the family service was to build a windmill using cardboard. Team A produced a traditional windmill with sails which turned smoothly: Team B’s windmill had a pointed roof and involved both turning the sails and blowing on them: Team C created a...

Are you a wall or a windmill?

Tonight’s family service asked the unusual question ‘Are you a wall or a windmill?’ Mark gave us different kinds of windmills to ponder: … as well as different kinds of walls: Windmills are affected by the wind, with wind turbines needing...