In the epilogue to the family service, Stacey spoke from Joshua 6 about how the power of God caused the walls of Jericho to fall down. All the people had to do was to obey God and march around the city for six days; on the seventh, trumpets were blown and the people gave a loud shout and the walls came tumbling down! A city’s walls are designed to be impregnable and keep out all enemies, but nothing can stop God.

We so often can put barriers up and make excuses when God speaks to us, building defensive walls around our hearts. Ultimately, we need to ask God to help us to  ‘let the walls come down, just like Jericho.’ (‘More To Be Revealed’, King, Scott & Dente) We need to let God move us so that our defensive walls can be torn down and we move with God’s Spirit, allowing the energy of faith to be produced as God works His way, trusting that in Him ‘we are more than conquerors.’ (‘More Than Conquerors’, Rend Collective.)

We also learnt a new song by Garry:

‘Are you a wall, or a windmill?
What sort of person are you?
Are you a wall, or a windmill? Tell me,
When the wind blows, what do you do?

A wall can stand so big and strong.
It’s fastened into the ground.
It doesn’t move, or use the wind;
It makes the wind go around, around, around, around!

The wind blows on a windmill’s sail;
It pushes the sail a-round.
It’s giving power to the windmill.
That power’s always around, around, around, around!

The Spirit of God is like the wind.
Who knows where He comes or goes?
Do we try to stop Him in His tracks?
Or do we let His power flow? Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow!’ (‘Are You A Wall Or A Windmill’, Garry Turner)