On Sunday 12th June we’re at Cherry Tree Court for our morning service (10.30 a.m.) and at Market Street in the evening (6 p.m.) Yan Hadley is our guest speaker on Sunday evening.

We’ll be having a cleaning and preparation day on Saturday 18th June after the coffee morning, so if you have a couple of hours to spare (12-2 p.m.), do come along to church! The ‘preparation’ part involves checking out the roof and guttering prior to summer holiday work and we hope to clean the community room and other areas prior to the Open Day on 9th July.

Later that afternoon, some of the men will be going to Hope House Church in Barnsley for the CVM Men’s Meeting (starting with a barbecue at 5 p.m. and an evening meeting.) See Garry for more details.

The community open day at GPCC will be on Saturday 9th July from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. We’ll be open for people to look round the church building (and consider what ‘the church’ really is, with photographs and exhibitions of what the Bible teaches about the church) and will be serving refreshments and doing craft activities in the community room. If you could help with face painting or other fun activities for children, please let us know as soon as possible as we try to organise activities which will be interesting and will draw people in. In the evening (6 p.m.), we’re hoping to run a family film night so that we can continue reaching out to our local community, demonstrating the light and love of Christ to all.

fun day