A different kind of decorating

Yesterday afternoon saw the community room experiencing a different kind of decorating! After all the activity painting walls and putting up notice boards, preparations for a September wedding were carried out as part of a hen party. Making pompoms which will be...

A flurry of activity

The school summer holidays have seen a flurry of activity in the church building as work continues. The community room is almost complete now (blinds still have to be put back up, the fire exit stained and the notice boards completed and adorned), but a tremendous...

The end of Week 3

The new notice board now has information in it, thanks to a local signwriter: Work was also done putting up new notice boards inside the community room (to prevent damage to walls when posters and notices are put up there). This proved quite a tricky job, largely...

First coats

The corridor received its first coat of emulsion yesterday: ‘chapel porth’ being the name of the new colour of paint. After the painting, the cleaning has to start! Yesterday, it was the turn of the windows and the chairs. Today, new notice boards are due...

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Flanders and Swann wrote a song called ‘The Gas Man Cometh’ (listen here) which seems very apt to me at the moment as we continue with the decorating work at church! It’s a song of repairs in a house and when the painter comes, ‘with undercoats...