More decorating work

Further work has been done on the corridor, with all the glossing now completed and the pictures back in place! In addition, the main doors have been stained and the railings painted.

Week 4 and still going…

Work continues on the corridor, with second coats of emulsion going on the walls and doors and radiators being glossed. The alcove area leading to the stage and children’s room received its first coat of emulsion: Meanwhile, in the community room, the notice...

Talking Point – Islam

Garry’s latest ‘Talking Point’ sermon looked at the subject of Islam. Headlines appear almost daily in the newspapers informing us of terrorist atrocities committed by radical Muslims, and it is undoubtedly true that violent jihad is a constant of...

The Best Treasure

At Cherry Tree Court this morning, Dave spoke from Matt 13:44-46, looking at two short parables describing the treasure that we find in God and in His kingdom. The farmer found something valuable by accident; the gemmologist something valuable through searching, but...