After our morning service we held our Annual General Meeting, reporting on all that happened during the financial year 1 October 2022 until 30 September 2023. This included our regular Sunday and midweek services but also our community work (coffee mornings, prayer walks, Parent & Toddler group, support for the Salvation Army food bank and ‘Mindful Moments’) and our work with Dearne Churches Together and other organisations. Special events such as our Coronation Tea and God’s Great Party service were well attended, as was the fun day organised in May 2023 at Phoenix Park which saw 782 people attend and 21 organisations take part.
Financially, the church made a loss because of increasing energy costs, and we are working hard to pursue grants to help with this. Coalfields Regeneration Trust and other organisations have helped us with grants towards our community work and we are grateful for their support, as well as the support of church members. If giving is Gift-aided, we receive an additional 25% income, so please talk to us if you would like to Gift aid your offerings.
We support Fredrick and Reeba in India and three children who live abroad (Bedline in Haiti, Amshika in India and Innocent in Uganda) and our financial support helps to pay for their schooling and health costs.
As we look to the future, we are aware that our role is to work with people (to be ‘with God in the community, with God for the community‘). We need to trust in the promises and purposes of God, praying that we will see progress as we move forward. With God all things are possible!
Our thanks to all who serve in the church, whether as trustees, elders, as Treasurer, in music ministry, preaching or helping at events, cleaning and maintaining the building. Without volunteers we could not survive!
After the AGM we enjoyed Sunday lunch together!