The Narrow Road

Read Ps 119:89-96. New roads are being built on a regular basis and as a result maps become outdated. We can’t presume to know the way to a place based on past experience. If we’re not careful, we apply this wholly sensible reasoning to our spiritual journey also,...


Read Psalm 119:81-88. Have you ever been homesick? I’ve never been away from home long enough to really feel homesick, but I once took a school trip to France and saw firsthand the desolation of homesickness in a teenage girl. Normally confident and outdoing, she...

Apostolic example

Tonight’s Bible study looked at 1 Cor 9:1-18, where Paul, in continuing his discussion about rights and responsibilities, looks at the role of apostles. His claims to be an apostle rest on his having seen Jesus and on the fruit seen in the Corinthians’ own...

Christmas preparations

Yesterday, leaders from some of the local churches met together to prepare for the Christmas Market on Friday and to collect booklets which will be distributed to all primary school children. Please pray for the ministers as they take these Christmas booklets...

Praying the truth

Read Psalm 119:75-80. Prayer involves speaking forth the truths we know about God and petitioning Him for the things we need. The Lord’s Prayer (Matt 6:9-15) begins with worship, acknowledging our relationship with God (‘our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name’)...