Weird Science is a 1995 film in which two teenage boys decide to use science to create the perfect female to compensate for their lack of popularity with the female sex, only to find that after a lightning strike, their computer simulation turns real… We may all fantasise about the perfect partner, but people are not perfect and even in the happiest of marriages there are characteristics that annoy and leave us frustrated.

God, however, declares Himself to be our husband (Is 54:5). The perfect God has chosen to be betrothed to a far from perfect bride. Isaiah’s words were spoken at a time of backsliding and apostasy; God’s love does not waver, even though we are far from perfect. He is our Builder and Creator, the one who has designed each one of us individually (see Eph 2:10). We are His handiwork, His workmanship. He has created us as unique individuals, and we need to learn to accept ourselves and love ourselves, for He surely does.

We often consider the marriage feast as being something in the future, but in this verse, God uses the present tense. He knows us better than we know ourselves, understanding our thoughts, emotions and minds. His love for us is faithful and unwavering, as is demonstrated through the prophet Hosea, commanded to love a faithless wife with the same devotion God always shows to us. Hosea 2:19-20 reminds us of God’s faithfulness, love and compassion, of the permanance and intimacy of the relationship He longs to have with us.

No matter what we may think of ourselves, or what others may think of us, we are loved unconditionally by God. God knows all our faults and failings and imperfections, but He still made us and loves us. These are truths which need to sink deep into our beings.