Stephen preached from Psalm 31:14-15 this morning, timely verses for us all.

But I trust in You, O Lord.

Where do we put our trust? It’s so easy to trust in things (relying on the alarm clock to get us up, relying on that cup of tea to get us going in the morning, needing that shower to get us clean…) and even to trust in our own righteousness and ability to get us through each day (as the Pharisee did in Luke 18:9-14). Nonetheless, we need to trust daily in the Lord.

You are my God

The psalmist declares this truth and we must too. Only God is constant and certain. He is our Father. This relationship needs to be personal.

My times are in Your hands
This was not just true for David, but is also true for each one of us. We can rest in the security of knowing that our times are in God’s hands: He has a timetable for each one of us and that includes good plans (Jer 29:11).

Deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me
As in the Lord’s Prayer, where we ask God to deliver us from evil and not to lead us into temptation, so we acknowledge that life is not always easy but understand that the Lord is the only One who is able to deliver us.