Well, there are literally hundreds of photographs to process from the Open Day, so I thought I would start by going through things chronologically. This post is therefore looking at the preparations leading up to the official opening at 10 a.m.

Many of us arrived at about 8 a.m. on Saturday to do all the last-minute jobs that couldn’t be done beforehand…

… such as sorting the balloons which were going on the railings outside:

… arranging balloons artistically:

…putting the last banner in the notice board:

… sorting the flowers:

… getting ready to serve refreshments:

… sorting out activities in the community hall:

… sorting out notices and decorations:

It’s amazing what can be achieved in an hour! Here we are, ready to meet and greet, complete with refreshments:

(Those of you who are keen will notice that before the start, we were still using real mugs. Keep an eye on future photos…!)