Mark continued his series on Joseph’s dream this morning, looking at Genesis 39:1-23. In this chapter, we see Joseph working for Potiphar and receiving God’s blessing in such measure that this spilled over to the whole of Potiphar’s life. God’s blessing was awesome as a result of Joseph: God can also bless all around us because of our presence.

The dream was about to be shattered again, however; this time because the enemy has a plan to spoil the dream. The original plan was to lure Joseph into temptation – and then sin – through Potiphar’s wife, but Joseph behaved with integrity because of his faith (Gen 39:9). refusing to sin against God or to hurt Potiphar. Plan B involved the lies of Potiphar’s wife which led to Potiphar imprisoning Joseph again. How hard it must have been for Joseph at this point, to be once again wrongfully imprisoned!

The devil wanted to destroy Joseph and wants to wreck God’s plans for our lives, but if we faithfully serve God, He will turn every situation around. Even in prison, Joseph knew God’s blessing (Gen 39:21) and the prison warder was blessed because of him. We have to know that no matter what the enemy schemes, he cannot touch God’s plan! God is in control, even when our dreams seem to lie in tatters. God actually needed Joseph in prison so he could meet the people who would ultimately introduce him to Pharaoh so that God’s plans could actually be fulfilled.

This passage shows us that God’s blessing is awesome and affects the people all around us. The devil may have a plan to spoil the dream, but God’s plan overrides any plan of the devil, whose schemes have already been defeated. When the dream seems to be slam-dunked, God is still in charge; He is ‘Sovereign Over Us’, as Aaron Keyes sings.