When a new baby arrives, there’s always the rush from doting family members to decide who the baby resembles: ‘he’s got his mother’s nose!’; ‘look at her daddy’s eyes!’ Family resemblances can be a blessing (though at times I am not grateful for the ‘Chafen calves’ which mean my legs will never be sleek and svelte like a model’s…), and as God’s dearly loved children, we are urged to live in the blessing of the family resemblance and imitate our heavenly Father. (Eph 5:1-2)

Imitation, they say, is the sincerest form of flattery, and certainly we learn best from imitating: ‘copy God and follow His example,‘ as the Amplified version puts these verses.The earliest name for Christians was followers of the Way. It was the way they lived that singled out God’s people and very soon they earned the name ‘Christians’ (Acts 11:26 tells us that ‘the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch’), which essentially meant ‘little Christs’. God’s people are called to be like Him, to reflect His nature, to copy His behaviour. After all, John reminds us, no one has ever seen God (John 1:18, 1 John 4:12), but people see us. God’s master plan is that by seeing us, people see Him and come to know Him (see also Matt 5:43-48).

We are called to show off the ‘family resemblance’ by being like God – an awesome (and slightly terrifying!) thought. Aspects of God’s character which need copying include:

  • His capacity to forgive and keep on forgiving (Ps 103:11-12).
  • His mercy, which doesn’t treat people as their sins deserve but instead offers favour and gifts: the fact that while we were still His enemies, Christ died for us. (Rom 5:8)
  • His faithfulness, which perseveres, long after everyone else has given up and walked away. (Ps 36:5)
  • His justice and righteousness and truth (Ps 50:6).
  • His compassion and kindness to us all. (Is 63:7)

As we reflect God’s character and light, others will be curious and want to know more. We are the living letters, Paul says, that others will see and read. (2 Cor 3:1-3).God’s master plan is that by seeing us, people see Him and come to know Him.