A desert is a huge place filled with sand. Unlike the variety of a normal landscape, with hills, valleys, fields and rivers, a desert can seem monotonous, tedious and life-threatening (since water is a luxury in such landscapes, but a necessity for life.)

Trudging through the desert is a hazardous task, but part of the hazard lies in our tendency to see only with natural eyes, and to become discouraged by what we can see. We need to see beyond the sand.

Our present circumstances may well feel like we are trudging through a desert. We may feel we’re in a dry and barren land, where day after day there is no respite from the hot, blistering sand and no prospect of a thirst-quenching oasis.

But no desert lasts forever. No drought goes on without end.

God is faithful and will not test us beyond what we can bear. (1 Cor 10:13) He gives us more grace. (James 4:6)

See beyond the sand. Times of refreshing will come from the Lord.