Ps 103:6 says, The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. The concept of righteousness and justice – whether in a local situation, a national or international situation – is well established these days, but it is worth reflecting that Israel’s God gave rules and laws to protect the weak, needy and oppressed in ways that were completely counter-cultural to the nations around them. In David’s day, as in some countries today, might was right and the king often had absolute authority over the people. As far as God was concerned, however, the king was subject to His authority (see 1 Sam 12:13-14) and God’s rule was absolute. Far from leading to oppression, however, God’s laws showed His mercy, compassion and care for those in need.

In England, the Magna Carta in 1215 established the rule of law and we now take this for granted. Nonetheless, we need to understand God’s heart for the oppressed and recognise that good laws are based on God’s laws. God made known His ways to Moses and His deeds to the people of Israel, and from this, we see not only what God does, but how He works. His blessings and favour are available to us, but our response to God’s mercy, compassion, forgiveness, redemption and love means we fear Him and seek to obey Him. If He is so interested in the downtrodden, our focus needs to be in the same place as His.