“I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”
(Ps 77:11-12)

Anniversaries are special occasions. They are times when we choose to remember, when we hang our memories on the pegs of dates. Some of us are better at remembering dates than others; some set more store on remembering than others. But the Bible clearly encourages us to remember.

A year on from when we first got the keys to St Mark’s and wandered around the building, much has happened.

This is what the main hall looked like after a few weeks’ work:

Then we had the first service there in June, just four months later:

Similar transformations were wrought elsewhere:

If you want more reminders, then just check out the St Mark’s blog (see sidebar) for the full story.

We remember the deeds of the Lord and the miracles He worked on our behalf with awe and gratitude. We remember His greatness and how the impossible became possible. We remember the joy of adding our talents to His infinite power. We remember also the exhaustion, the setbacks, the frustrations and the tears. We remember how God worked all things together for good. We remember the lessons we learned, lessons of faith, hope, patience and endurance.

And as we remember, we look forward. What have You got planned for this place in 2011, Lord? What is the next step? What else is there for us to do, walking hand in hand with You?