One of the key ingredients to pressing on towards the new things God has for us is a firm belief that God is for us. One of the most frustrating things about being a teacher was when students would view me as the enemy. In schools, there is often a ‘them and us’ atttitude, with pupils seeing the teacher as an adversary rather than a helper. Only when pupils actually realise that teachers generally are there to pass on expertise, advice, knowledge and help rather than being sadistic enemies can true progress be made.

Similarly, we often feel that God is out to get us, rather than to help us. We view God as the enemy, the killjoy, the one who gives us rules and regulations simply to spoil our fun and make our lives miserable (a view propounded by the devil – see Gen 3.) The truth is completely the opposite. God is on our side.

‘You work together for our good.
You are loving.
You give us more than we deserve.
You are unfailing.
And we are more than conquerors, Saviour.
In you our future is secure
By your power.’ (‘God Is For Us’, Aaron Shust)

God is the One who blots out our transgressions and remembers our sins no more. (Is 43:25) God is the One ‘who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go’ (Is 48:17). God is working for our good in every situation. (Rom 8:28) Whatever new things God has for us, whatever new paths He might call us to travel along, whatever knee-knocking challenges lie ahead, we can be sure that God is on our side and will not leave us or forsake us. We’re on the winning side! As Phil Wickham puts it,

‘Nothing can stop us for You’re on our side:

Even in dying our souls are alive,

Standing together forever and marching on.’ (‘Children of God’, Phil Wickham)

Our part is not to shrink back, but to press on towards all that God has for us. (Heb 10:36-39)

don't shrink back