Mark preached from 1 Thess 5:12-28 last night, focussing especially on verse 25: “Brothers, pray for us.” This passage is full of imperatives, as Paul concludes his letter with commands. These involve holding leaders in high regard, encouraging the timid, helping the weak, being patient with everyone, learning to be joyful at all times, to pray continually, to give thanks in all circumstances and to allow the Spirit full rein in our lives. But we are reminded of the need to pray for each other.

In John 17:6-21, we see how Jesus prayed for His disciples and prayed for all who would follow Him. We all need prayer. 2 Cor 13:9 reminds us what we can pray for: ‘that you may be fully restored’, that you may reach perfection, for completion and wholeness of faith. Phil 1:3-6 reminds us to pray with thanksgiving for people, to pray continually for people, to pray for continued fellowship and to pray with the confidence that ‘he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus’. (Phil 1:6)

We all completed prayer cards, naming things that we would like others to pray for in our own lives, and then shared these, so that we can each pray for someone else. Prayer is one of the greatest things we can do for each other. May God help us to be faithful in prayer and to willingly share each other’s burdens by praying.