During a short break in Derbyshire recently, we set out on a walk during which we came across some ruins known as ‘Bateman’s House’, a pump house used as one of the last attempts to keep the mines drained and workable. Garry was keen to explore:

IMG_1550IMG_1549OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs always, he was keen to explore the countryside, looking at things from what were (to me) rather strange angles:

IMG_1552 IMG_1567 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat these photographs teach me is that there are always more than one way of looking at things and that the angle of observation will inevitably vary from person to person. This reminds me also that our perspective matters a lot. Life is full of strange sights and how we choose to look at things will affect what we see. If we look down, we will see much less than if we look up! Let’s fix our eyes, hearts and minds on things above (Col 3:1-2) and see things from God’s angle!