Garry spoke this morning from Gen 41:53-57, looking at how Joseph met the needs of people through the seven years of famine. This was possible because of the dream which God gave to Pharaoh and which Joseph interpreted, which meant that during the seven years of plenty preceding the famine, provision was made for the lean years to come. Clearly, other nations had not saved and prepared as Egypt had; God had seen what was coming and prepared accordingly. He has done this also regarding our salvation, seeing ahead and choosing the way of the cross even before the foundation of the world (see Eph 1:4-6).
God’s offer of salvation is freely given to all, but we have to choose to accept God’s offer. We can become adopted into God’s family; but this is not ‘automatic’; it requires our response, just as the nations had to choose to humble themselves and come to Egypt for help. So too we can help other people on their journey towards God, asking questions, sowing seeds into people’s lives. If people do not realise their need of salvation, they will have no interest in a Saviour; we have to be the ones to give the ‘wake-up call’ to people or to explain not only the presence of sin but the provision of a Saviour.
The answer to the nations was found in coming to Joseph for the provision of food. The answer to the problem of sin is to come to Jesus, the good shepherd (John 10:9-11). We are urged to come to Him when we are weary and heavy-laden and find rest for our souls. (Matt 11:28-30) People are in need of a Saviour; our job is to make that Saviour known to others. That can be through organised events or through personal contact, but the need is great. Will we respond to the call?