In a world of hatred and selfishness, Jesus demonstrates the way of love, loving even His enemies. Love is far more than a sentimental feeling. It is far more than the cooing we make when we meet a new baby. Love is the settled response of a heart that is secure in God’s love. We are loved; God has lavished His love upon us. (1 John 3:1) He so loved the world that He gave His only Son. (John 3:16) The giving of gifts at Christmas time is evidence of love, but most of all, it is a reminder that God gave us the gift of His Son, and, through Him, the gift of eternal life.
As we come to the end of Advent and are about to celebrate Christmas Day, this theme reminds us to rest in the love of God manifested in a baby born to be with us and to save us: Immanuel, Jesus our salvation.