Defeated somewhat by the weather (but thankfully still here to tell you all about it!), the community carol service was held in the parish church in Goldthorpe yesterday, rather than outdoors, as originally planned.
Setting up inside took a little time, moving the musical equipment from our church to the parish church:
We rigged a makeshift overhead projector in an unusual place:
Doing sound checks:
Everyone was given glow sticks to acts as lights:
Fr Carl Schaefer introduced the service:
Singing lustily (but not always wanting to be photographed!):
We had a variety of carols, along with participation from a children’s choir from local schools and the Goldthorpe Gospel Choir, ably led by Chris Lee from the Salvation Army. Children also acted in tableaux as the Nativity narratives were read.
Afterwards, there were refreshments in the Parish hall:
All in all, it was an excellent evening of fellowship and witness, and we are grateful to all the church leaders for working together so smoothly to make this a wonderful community Christmas celebration.