Party time

Yesterday was the first of the Christmas parties which will make this such a fun time of year. The Parent & Toddler group met for their Christmas party:

God’s provision

We have just handed over December’s clothes and food for the poor and needy: This project, working with the Salvation Army to supply the poor and needy with vital food and clothing, has been a phenomenon this year. We started off with a small box that grew to a...

New for old

This is the pantomime season and Aladdin’s cry of ‘New lamps for old!’ came to mind as we have been having more work done at church. This time, it was a new front doors to replace the old ones.The old doors: The new doors:

Star signs

Stephen spoke last night about the wonders of creation, especially looking at the starry host. Genesis 1:14-18 tells us that God made the sun and moon and the stars. That simple statement does not do justice to the amazing creation of God. No matter what man has built...

Who God is

Having spent so much time recently on the recurring theme that we need to know who God is (rather than who we think He is or being led astray by our own preconceptions, ideas, and wrong thoughts), it is perhaps time to restate some basic truths about God. I firmly...

When life is not as expected…

When you’ve come into the world with angelic messages and prophetic utterances, as John the Baptist did, you might expect an easy ride, a trouble-free existence. Life is rarely like that, even for God’s servants, it seems. In the second part of our study...