Craft activities

We had a lot of craft activities based on the theme of ‘God’s Got the Whole World in His Hands’.So we made worlds with handsto represent this theme… We also had pictures of the world: … and Indian headdresses and bracelets… We had a...

Anniversary weekend

Today was the anniversary weekend of the official opening of Goldthorpe Pentecostal Community Church at Market Street. We held a coffee morning and community craft day from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Setting up the crafts: Getting ready to serve...

Running the race (2)

Stephen’s message on the Olympic theme was from Hebrews 12:1-3. The Olympics will see crowds of people coming to watch as spectators; the Bible teaches that we are surrounded by a great crowd of witnesses who are there to cheer us on and encourage us to put off...

Running the race

Tonight’s family service looked at the Olympics as a theme. We had a game of Noughts & Crosses where we had to answer a variety of questions about the Olympics, including naming this gymnast:(Nadia Comeneci)We also had to compete to throw rubber food into a...

‘These men have been with Christ’

Dave preached from Acts 4:8-14 this morning, looking at how Peter was changed from being with Jesus and how his boldness in speaking before the Sanhedrin was noticed by the leaders.Peter, the local fisherman who was not well educated but whose impetuosity and...

‘You’re the Word who must be heard’

Tonight we almost made it to the end of James chapter 1, looking at verses 19-25. In the context of the trials and temptations discussed so far, James’s injunction to ‘be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry’ is a timely reminder...