Christmas Unwrapped

The theme of the carol service was ‘Christmas Unwrapped’, so it was only fair that people had presents to unwrap during the service. God’s gift to us is based on His knowledge of us; He knew we needed a Saviour and couldn’t save ourselves!...

Carol service games

Last night was our carol service and as always, Mark came up with a range of games to keep the service interactive!The first game involved ‘Passing the Pud’, instead of the parcel! When the music stopped, the person unwrapping the pud had to do a forfeit,...

Saying ‘Yes’ to God

Keeping the vision of God’s kingdom alive in our hearts and receiving the joy He gives can only be achieved by surrendering and saying ‘yes’ to God. The Christmas story shows us how Mary and Joseph responded to God’s amazing plan for their...

More community carol service photos

During the community carol service, Chris Lee from the Salvation Army led a children’s choir: Children were also involved in tableaux as the Christmas story was narrated and carols were sung: We are grateful for the links that many churches have to local schools...

Community carol service

Defeated somewhat by the weather (but thankfully still here to tell you all about it!), the community carol service was held in the parish church in Goldthorpe yesterday, rather than outdoors, as originally planned.Setting up inside took a little time, moving the...