Maps for life

Funnily enough, since the map project started, maps have been cropping up everywhere, it seems! A book I am reading (‘The Road Less Traveled’, by Scott Peck) talked about life being like a series of maps and just as maps become outdated over time as new roads and...


Maps have been featuring a lot in my life recently. This started with the prayer walks in January, since it’s helpful to have a map to know where you are going when you are dividing up an area among several people so that you avoid all going to the same place and...

We must remember

Jeremiah 31:34, quoted in Hebrews 10:17, says “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” The Bible reassures us that our sins are forgiven through Christ’s once-for-all sacrifice on the cross. Psalm 103:9 says “as far as...

Shared limelight?

Igor does not mind sharing his adventures. Having enjoyed his trip to Las Iguanas without Garry, this time, he returned with his rightful owner and a few other friends:However, he was happiest when taking in the foliage:… unlike the others, who were happiest...

Reign in me

I’m wrestling and struggling with so many issues right now. The way of faith does not seem to get any easier! I would expect it to, hope that each time I learn something more of God’s character, it would make it easier to surrender the next time He...


As I eagerly await the arrival of Jeremy Camp’s new album ‘Reckless’ (released today, with a preview of the title song available here and with the title on its own bringing a smile to my face as I realise more and more how God wants to shake me out...