This morning we looked at Hebrews 6:13-20 and how God’s faithfulness gives us hope as an anchor for our souls in stormy times. Many of us feel storm-tossed at the moment and there is the temptation to believe God doesn’t really care about our situations (see Mark 4:35-41), but just as boats need the stability provided by an anchor to keep them from drifting, so too we need God to anchor us in His truths so that we can know peace and joy, no matter what is going on around us or within us.

The writer to the Hebrews takes us through Old Testament history and reminds us of the many promises God has made to His people and of His faithfulness in fulfilling these promises. He reminds us that these promises are based on God’s own nature (Heb 6:13-14). God cannot lie or change (see Num 23:19, Heb 6:17) and so His faithfulness becomes the bedrock of our lives.

As we trace God’s faithfulness through the Bible, we come to realise that not one of His promises will fail (Josh 23:14; Heb 10:23) and this gives us hope for both today and the future. Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness (Heb 9:28); we have, in the words of the hymn, ‘an anchor that keeps the soul/ steadfast and sure while the billows roll.’ (‘Will Your Anchor Hold?’) God has poured out His Spirit on all people and therefore He is the anchor for our souls, enabling us to be firm and secure, standing firm in His mighty power and resting on His faithfulness, love and forgiveness, now and always.