The Millennium & God’s Final Judgment

In our Bible study on Thursday we looked at Revelation 20, a chapter which speaks of the millennium or thousand-year-reign of Christ. This is a controversial and often contentious chapter amongst Biblical scholars, with three main views having arisen as to how we...

Passwords and Praise

Passwords are the bane of my llife. A good password should include capital letters, lower case letters, special characters and numbers and be between 8 and 12 characters long. It should not be easily associated with you (such as a birth date or name), but of course,...

Life Is A Song

Melody’s name provided inspiration for us as we considered our lives as God’s work of art. Michael Card reminds us that ‘life is a song we must sing with our days’ (‘Poem Of Your Life’) and we looked at 2 Corinthians 3:3 which says...

Walking With God

This morning Garry spoke from Genesis 47:11-12, 27 about walking with God. Walking with God does not mean a life without suffering; Jesus told us that there is a path of suffering which is inevitable because following Him involves living according to God’s...

End-of-term party

What a wonderful time we had at our first Parent & Toddler party on Wednesday, saying goodbye to Rebekah, Nova and Roza who will be moving up to full-time nursery or school in September (we’ll be saying more goodbyes on Friday and unfortunately...