In our Bible study on Thursday we looked at Revelation 20, a chapter which speaks of the millennium or thousand-year-reign of Christ. This is a controversial and often contentious chapter amongst Biblical scholars, with three main views having arisen as to how we should interpret these verses. Amillennialism (the most popular current views) sees this reign as symbolic and happening now, the period between Christ’as first and second comings;. Post-millennialism believes that Christ will return to earth after this period, believing in a ‘golden age’ when many will come to faith. Premillennialism (the view of the early church fathers and the classic Pentecostal view) takes these verses more literally and believes there will be a literal 1000 year reign after which Christ will judge the earth.

It’s always difficult to be dogmatic about theology, and there is no real way we can be sure that our interpretations of prophecy are correct! What is clear from this chapter, however, is that God is in control and that Satan’s power is limited. Judgment will come, and there will be everlasting torment for Satan and those who have relied on their own deeds for salvation rather than on Christ’s redemptive sacrifice. The books of life are mentioned in this chapter. The Lamb’s book of life has a record of all who have trusted in Jesus (see also Luke 10:20) and we can be confident that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Rom 8:1) Judgment emanating from God’s white throne will be just and we need not fear the second death (separation from God) if we have trusted in Christ as our Saviour.