This morning Garry spoke from Genesis 47:11-12, 27 about walking with God. Walking with God does not mean a life without suffering; Jesus told us that there is a path of suffering which is inevitable because following Him involves living according to God’s standards, not the world’s.
Paul’s experiences (listed in 2 Cor 11:23-27) shows us that to stand against the culture of the day produces opposition. Persecution was the experience of the early church (Acts 8:1) and is still prevalent in many societies today (e.g. in China, where the social credit system monitors where peopole go and what they do). Ideas such as adopting a digital ID need to be treated with extreme caution because it is easy then for privileges to be withdrawn simply because of ‘differing’ views. But we must also note that walking with God involves great blessing too, as Psalm 91 makes clear. His provision, protection and care for His people are evident here with Joseph’s family being given the best of the land, according to God’s promises to Jacob. (Gen 46:2-3).
Walking with God means we must do what God says and go where He tells us, whether this leads to blessing or suffering. Faithful obedience is what is required of us at all times.