What a wonderful time we had at our first Parent & Toddler party on Wednesday, saying goodbye to Rebekah, Nova and Roza who will be moving up to full-time nursery or school in September (we’ll be saying more goodbyes on Friday and unfortunately couldn’t say goodbye to Escala as she’s already on holiday!)

It was good to have Lynn Utting and her colleague from Coalfields Regeneration Trust with us yesterday. We are very grateful for their grant this year which has helped to pay for refreshments and heating for the Parent & Toddler group as well as enabling us to buy lovely role play costumes and storage equipment (enabling us to set up and tidy away more easily.) We are also very grateful they are continuing to fund us in the year to come, especially as heating costs have spiralled this year. But our involvement with CRT goes back much further, when, as a church with £7,500 in the bank, we bought the building we are currently in thanks to a capital grant of £160,000 from CRT. Thirteen years later, we are so glad to be at Market Street and using the building so much. This year, we have had 75 families attend the Parent & Toddler group (thankfully not all at the same time!) and have run two sessions a week during term-time.
We’re looking forward to our last party and last session before the summer break on Friday 21 July.