The story of Noah and the 7 colours of the rainbow give us 7 things we need to remember.

  1. Remember Noah’s obedience. Noah did what God told him to – even though it must have seemed bizarre, to say the least! God is looking for people who will do what He says.
  2. Remember to live in readiness, as children of the light, for Jesus is coming back soon. 1 Thess 5:1-11 urges us to live in anticipation and expectation of the Second Coming of Christ. We need to be prepared!
  3. Remember God’s provision. God provided for Noah and his family in the ark and He will provide for us too. (Matt 6:25-34)
  4. Remember God’s protection. Even though the flood was a time of judgment and trial for the world, Noah and his family were kept safe. God knows those who belong to Him (2 Tim 2:19) and is able to keep us safe (see Ps 91).
  5. Remember God’s faithfulness. Even though the flood lasted a long time, God’s faithfulness in giving Noah a fresh start is an encouragement to us. God’s faithfulness is great (Lam 3:23, 2 Thess 3:3).
  6. Remember God’s mercy. We don’t deserve salvation or rescue, but God offers us so much because of His mercy. He is rich in mercy and offers us new life in Him. (Eph 2:4-9)
  7. Remember the need for perseverance. Rome, they say, wasn’t built in a day, and certainly the ark wasn’t built overnight! Noah had to learn to persevere: so do we. (Gal 6:9, 1 Cor 13:7, 1 Tim 4:16)

Artwork done by the Sunday School children