God’s Miraculous Provision – For Us!

God’s miraculous provision may well be in the Bible, but can it really be true that God provides for us in miraculous ways today?   We may well fail to see God’s hand in provision because of the many mundane ways in which He works (and the fact that He...

God’s Miraculous Provision

Tonight, Julie looked at the subject of God’s miraculous provision, reminding us all of Paul’s words in Phil 4:19: ‘And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.’ She looked at three examples of God’s provision, two of...

Giving Everything

This morning, Dave spoke from Mark 12:41-44, a brief story about the small offering put in by a widow. This widow may not have given much in financial terms, but she gave all she had. Many speak about tithing income (i.e. giving 10% of your income to God), but she...

Unfinished Projects

Children are full of great ideas that often fizzle out into nothing. Esther loves to staple papers together to make a book she is going to write. She sets off with great enthusiasm (her beginnings are very good; her illustrations apt.) But it’s rare that she makes it...