
In Noah, we see one of the first amazing miracles in the Bible: the rescue of Noah and his family from the destruction of the flood. Noah lived in difficult times (Gen 6:5-10) but was able to remain blameless and upright and to find favour with God even in these times...

Changed Joseph

Garry spoke this morning from Gen 42:6-17, the part of Joseph’s story where he meets his brother again. It appears from this passage that this meeting triggered in Joseph a memory of his original dreams. Dreams often seem to die, but at this point, Joseph must...

Partial Pictures

Garry spoke tonight about the complaining and grumbling of the Israelites during the wilderness wanderings (see Ex 15:24, Ex 16, Numbers 14). They were so miserable they declared they wanted to die in the desert and could only complain about God’s miraculous...