Hope in the Valley of Dry Bones

One of the most inspiring stories of hope can be found in the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel was a prophet who lived in exceedingly difficult times, when God’s people had been defeated by the invading Babylonians and carried off from their homeland to live as exiles in a...


Repetition is seen by most adults as an enemy; variety is the spice of life, we believe. We crave new experiences and rail against the everyday with its monotony and repetition. The French call it ‘metro, boulot, dodo’, the endless cycle of all work and no...

Theme & Variations

In classical music, ‘theme and variations’ is a common musical structure, where a composer introduces a melody (often quite a short, simple tune) and then varies it slightly in different ways, often embellishing the original tune to make it more...

Light & Darkness

One of the encouraging things about God’s preparation is that we can trace it back hundreds of years before Jesus was actually born! At Christmas time, we often read the prophecies in the Old Testament which speak about Jesus, long before He actually arrived. In...