Essential Ingredients – Q-U

Q is for Quietness – a desperately missing ingredient in today’s hectic, busy, noisy lifestyle. Ps 46:10 reminds us to ‘be still and know that I am God’ and Is 30:15 says, ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is...

Essential Ingredients – I-P

I is for Imagination – God is a creative God (see Genesis 1) and we are made in His image. God wants to do for us so much more than we ask or imagine (Eph 3:20), and a sanctified imagination is one of the ways that God breathes faith into us and allows us to see...

Essential Ingredients – A-H

Having reached the end of our ‘essential ingredients’ for a life of faith, we looked tonight at all 26 ingredients which help us to grow on our journey towards God. A is for Adore – adoration of God who is the Alpha and Omega (Rev 1:8) is the start...

All of Grace

Dave spoke last Sunday evening about the grace of God, reminding us that David’s behaviour to Mephibosheth (son of Jonathan and grandson of Saul) is a living example of grace in action. The story in 2 Sam 9:1-12 shows us how David, now king, wants to show...

Scorn, Succour & Security

These three psalms (Ps 123-125) take us on a journey from scorn to security, with God’s help (succour) the thing that makes all the difference. Ps 123:3-4 talks of contempt and ridicule, synonyms of which include scorn, disdain, disrespect, derision and mockery. This...